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Our cosmetic brand creates makeup products that enhance natural beauty and improve well-being. We are fully committed to ensure the highest quality and safety of our cosmetics, based on the latest scientific achievements. We take responsibility for protecting the natural environment and society - from developing the product through the production process to delivering our products. We strive for a harmonious connection to functional, ecological and social purposes. Our mission is to maximize the positive impact on the environment and society and minimizing any negative impacts at the same time. We act in line with sustainable development so that our activities bring benefits to our customers and the planet as well.

The production process


We focus on modern technology. We optimize the use of resources and production volumes in relation to emissions and waste. We replace equipment with new energy-saving ones.  We cooperate with suppliers who have implemented and follow a sustainable development policy.


Product formulas


We create cosmetics that meet the needs of consumers. We develop formulas rich in care and natural ingredients. Our products are 100% cruelty-free, which means we do not test them on animals. We also create vegan formulas, eliminating ingredients of animal origin wherever possible.

Responsible sourcing of raw materials


We only cooperate with suppliers who apply environmentally friendly practices and respect human rights. Our brand sources raw materials ethically and sustainably.


Logistics and Transport


We are constantly working to reduce our carbon footprint at all stages of production and distribution. We optimize logistics processes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Social Involvement


We participate in charity campaigns and create our own initiatives supporting women's development and health, such as „Jestem Sobą Jestem Piękna" campaign. We support the „Piękniejsze Życie” foundation, which helps women during cancer treatment.


Sport support


We are one of the sponsors for women’s volleyball team BKS Bostik ZGO (brown medal in Polish Championship 2023/2024 and the winner of Tauron Polish Cup 2023/2024) by supporting the physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.


KAIZEN method - continuous improvement


We regularly monitor our performance and set new goals to improve our sustainability practices.  Thanks to such activities, we try to create cosmetics that not only nurture beauty, but also care for our planet and society.

The Art of Living (1)